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School Calendar


Monday 8th January - Return to School. Spring Term Begins

Monday 15th January - Year 2 Practical Pedestrian Training

Monday 15th January - World Religion Day Celebrations

Monday 15th January - PC Rhys Workshop (Reception - Year 3)

Tuesday 16th January - PC Rhys Workshop (Year 3)

Wednesday 17th January - Year 2 Trip to Raglan Castle

Friday 19th January - Rags2Riches Clothing Collection

Wednesday 31st January - Mother Rose Candlemas Service



Tuesday 6th February - School Disco (Rec/1/2 3:30pm - 4:30pm/ Years 3/4/5/6 4:45pm - 5:45pm)

Friday 9th February - Last Day of Term

Monday 12th February - Friday 16th February - Half Term (School Closed for Pupils)

Wednesday 28th February - Mother Rose Lent Worship



Friday 1st March - School Eisteddfod for St. David's Day (Traditional Welsh Costume, Rugby tops or Red Clothing)

Thursday 7th March - Tree Planting and Grounds Development Day

Thursday 7th March - World Book Day (Information sent via ParentMail)

Monday 11th March - Islam Celebration Day

Monday 11th March - Friday 15th March - STEM week (Science/ Technology/ Engineering and Mathematics)

Wednesday 13th March - Mother Rose Easter Eucharist

Monday 18th March - Holy Week Celebrations in School

Wednesday 20th March - Messy Easter

Friday 22nd March - Last Day of Term

Monday 25th March - Friday 5th April - Half Term (School Closed for Pupils)

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