Classroom Routines and Timetables
Class Teacher - Mr W Matthews
Class LSA - Mrs A O'Connor
Class LSA - Mrs Z Willetts
Our Christian value for this term is 'thankfulness' and for spring term 2 it is 'peace'. Please provide opportunities to discuss these values at home.
8.45 - Children arrive and settle down to complete their morning activity / register and appoint Helpwr Heddiw
9.10 – 9.25 Collective Worship
9.25 – 10.00 Read Write Inc, Literacy, Languages & Communication along side continuous and enhanced provision
10.00 – 10.15 Snack / Break Time
10.15 – 11.55 Mathematics & Numeracy along side continuous and enhanced provision
11.55 – 12.55 Lunch
12.55 – 1.25 Guided Group Reading (GGR)/ individual reading
1.25 – 3.00 Inquiry learning/RE/Welsh
3.00 - Whole class activity- story and song time
3.30 - Home Time
Please note that PE day is every Wednesday afternoon.
Could you kindly ensure that your child attends school in their PE kit each Wednesday.
Home Learning
Weekly homework – A numeracy or literacy activity will be alternated each week. This will usually be based on something we have learned that week in class and can be linked to our inquiry theme work. It will be set on a Friday and will be due in on Wednesday. This will be uploaded onto Google Classroom as an assignment. Please submit (hand in) via Google Classroom.
Termly homework – We have provided a grid of activities linked to our inquiry which promote a range of skills and cover additional areas of the curriculum such as expressive arts and health and wellbeing. This can be found both on the website and Google Classroom. We ask that children choose at least one activity to complete by the end of each term and this will be presented to the class to celebrate the great home learning that is taking place.
Daily reading (10 minutes a day)- Your child will come home with a new reading book each week. Please can you ensure that the reading book is in school every day if possible as we will also read with your child individually once a week in class.
Aims for your child..
To encourage a love of reading,
To develop fluency and independence,
To develop comprehension and understanding,
To explore a range of different texts.
Reading Tips:
Before Reading: If it is the first time your child has read the book, look at the cover and title with them to predict what they think the book might be about. Make links to other books read with similar themes, the same characters and/or similar authors/illustrators.
During Reading: Ask your child questions about the characters in the book as you read the story
• Has your child use his/her finger to follow the direction of the text (top to bottom, left to right)?
• Has your child looked at the sentences and see if they can identify any of the sounds in the words or any of the high frequency words they have learnt?
• Discuss the meaning of any unfamiliar words.
After Reading: Discuss with your child what they liked/disliked about the story
• Can your child think of another title for the book and why?
• Did the story have a sad or happy ending? Can your child think of a different ending for the story?
• Can your child think of another character which he/she might want to add to the story and why?
• With richer picture books, you can ask, ‘what was the big idea of the story?’
Homework Grid
Monday 2nd September - INSET Day, School Closed for Pupils
Tuesday 3rd September - Pupils return to school
Thursday 5th September - Values Day Celebration
Tuesday 10th September - After School Clubs commence (Tuesdays)
Wednesday 11th September - Meet the Teacher 3.30 pm and 4:00pm
Monday16th September - Family Learning Numeracy Nest CAVC 9am
Wednesday 18th September - Mother Rose Identity Assembly, Whole School
23rd and 24th September - INSET School Closed for Pupils.
Thursday 26th September - European Languages Day Celebration
Friday 27th September - Macmillan Coffee Morning 9.15am - School Hall (All families welcome)
Monday 30th September - Friday 11th October - Harvest Food and Toiletries
Tuesday 1st October – Black History Month Begins
Thursday 3rd October - Colorfoto Individual Class Photos
Friday 4th October – Harvest Eucharist with Mother Rose 9.15 am
Friday 4th October - Rags2Riches Clothes Collection
Wednesday 9th October - Judaism Day - Whole School Celebration
Friday 18th October - Wear Red Day - Show Racism the Red Card
Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd October – Parents Consultations (Virtual)
Monday 21st October - School Autumn Disco
Friday 25th October – Last Day of term
28th October – 1st November – Half Term
Monday 4th November - Pupils return to school
Tuesday 5th November – Hinduism Day Celebration
Wednesday 6th November – Remembrance Day worship & activities
Monday 11th November – Anti Bullying Week
Monday 11th November - Remembrance Day service
Friday 15th November – Children in Need Day
Friday 15th November - Flu Immunisations
Monday 18th November - Road Safety Week
Friday 29th November - Christmas Fair in School
Saturday 30th November – Bath Christmas Shopping Trip -
Fundraising activity (Adults only).
Tuesday 10th December - Reception, Year 1 and 2 Concert 9.30am
Years 3, 4, 5, 6 Concert 1.30pm
Thursday 12th December - Reception, Year 1 and 2 Concert 1.30pm
Years 3, 4, 5, 6 Concert 4pm
Tuesday 10th & Tuesday 17th December - Streetwise Year 6 Training
Friday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day
Tuesday 17th December - Whole School Eucharist 9.30am,
Wednesday 18th December - Messy Christmas and Christmas Dinner
Friday 20th December – Last Day of term finish at 2pm
23rd December – 3rd January – Christmas Holidays
Key Dates
Rights Respecting School
All Saints' C/W Primary School is proud to be a Rights Respecting School, which means we are a community where children's rights are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted.
This half term we will be focusing on Article 28- Right to an Education and Article 12- Right to be Heard, from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Article 28
Right to an Education
Article 12
Right to be heard
Article 19
Right to be safe
Article 14
Right to follow your own religion
Extra Curricular Club
Dosbarth Dwynwen have the option to attend the following clubs during the spring term:
- Sing and Sing
- Mad Science
Confirmation emails and consent will be obtained through email.